Friday 24 January 2020

The Lean Farm

Setelah membaca beberapa buku tentang Lean Principles dan Lean Management khusus nya di startup, aku penasaran apakah prinsip yang serupa bisa diterapkan pada farming atau agriculture? Dan ternyata jawabannya bisa dan dapat tergambar di buku "The Lean Farm" ini.

Sedikit kutipan: 
"Good farmers are keen observers of nature, adjusting their moves and their strategies everyday."

"A farmer's work is more like that of a horse trainer than a mechanic. More like that of a healer than a computer repairperson. It is not really accurate to say that farmer grow food or raise animals, farmers alter environmental condition to such way as to maximize a plant's or animal's innate ability to do its own growing -in the same way that the best horse trainers seek to draw out abilities already within their horse or in the way the best healers know when to stand back and let their patient's bodies do the work. There is mystery in farming."

"While lean methods can make that work more efficient, they should not be used to completely remove nature from farming, even if less nature sometimes means easier more profitable farming. A lively and dynamic nature is both the core challenge and the core ingredient of farming. When farmers apply lean with with right intentions -to restore the earth and increase the health of families and local community- their farmers can produce lots of food and fall into alignment with nature."

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