Sunday 5 November 2023

Tony Robbins | 7 Steps to An Extraordinary Life



Tony Robbins | 7 Steps to An Extraordinary Life


 “When it comes to achieving the life of your dreams, you must be open to journeying, to the acceptance of the unknown.” – Tony Robbins


If you’re reading this, you’re looking to improve certain areas of your life.

Like me, you’re interested in growth. 

And what’s the opposite of growth? You might say decay. But truly, it’s stagnation. Staying the same. There’s nothing worse for the human spirit than a lack of progress. 

But to make progress in any area of your life – your relationship, your health, your finances – you have to be willing to go on a journey, my friend.

Not a trip.

A trip is predictable; a journey is not. A journey encompasses the unknown. 

And you have to be OK with opening yourself up to a level of uncertainty in order to obtain the growth you want. 

But there’s still a way to make sure you’re on the right path when it comes to your goals.

Not long ago, I developed a checklist of 7 steps called The Path. I recently shared this with my Platinum Partners at an event, and I’m thrilled to share it with you today. 

Review this checklist regularly to ensure that you’re on the path.


Step One: What Do You Really Want?

ACTIVATE and AWAKEN your hunger.

When people ask me, what is it that sets people apart, my response isn’t what they think it will be.

Is it intelligence; is it skill?


The most important ingredient when it comes to success in life is hunger. The desire to do more, be more, give more, share more, create more. The most successful people that I know in any area never lose this. 

And if you can figure out what you desire most in life, you can begin to write the story of your life. 

I always say, life is the dance between what you desire most and fear most. 

Is your desire to be a multi-billion-dollar business owner? Is it to change the food landscape for the better? Is it to have insane amounts of fun with the people you love most? Is it to be an incredible parent to your child? Is it all of the above?

Take a moment to think about what you desire most, friend.

And just as important as WHAT you want is WHY you want it.

Your why is what will act as your north star when the road gets rough. 

And with identifying what you truly want, you’re on the path...


Step Two: Find and Face the Truth

The truth will set you free!

This is about getting clear and honest about where you are right now in this moment. 

Visualize where you want to be...

Be honest, what’s the gap between where you are now and where you want to be?

And what’s prevented you from closing it in the past?

Is it an old story? A limiting belief? Is it fear? A habit? Or maybe there’s a skill missing.

Sometimes we need to shed old beliefs to step into our full potential. And sometimes we need to learn a new skill to get to the next level.

It can be one of these things or a combination. 

The challenging part is being honest with yourself about what is...

Once you identify the truths around where you are currently, and what’s holding you back, you can go on to the next step...


Step Three: Resolve and Create a M.A.P

This is what I like to call creating a massive action plan (M.A.P). A plan that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. 

You know you’re on the path when you have a great plan. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it will act as a guide. 

What actions need to be taken today for you to begin to close the gap?

Identify them and write them out as your map. 


Step Four: You Have to Do What’s Hard

This is where you slay your dragons.

This is what most people won’t do, my friend. Successful people do what others won't. 

This is where you make the change. This is where you get the skill. This is where you drop the old story. Drop the excuses. 

This is where the sword of truth slices through any obstacle between you and the life of your dreams. 


Step Five: Develop a Daily Practice

This means coming back to the basics each day. You must condition the change. 

Make it a habit.

It creates a sense of renewal. A daily rebirth. A reset. 

Write down what you’re grateful for. Reconnect to your heart.

Write down what you desire. Reconnect to your why.

Reinvigorate the inner world so you can crush your goals in the external world. 


Step Six: Raise Your Standards and Measure More Often

It’s human nature to have motivation subside. To let things eventually plateau. To become comfortable...

Eventually, some of your musts start sliding into shoulds. 

That’s why it’s necessary to continually raise your standards. Evaluate where you are. Measure it. What’s working? What’s not? Then adjust. 

And don’t make the mistake of trying to do it all on your own. The greatest financial minds and champion athletes have mentors, someone who has walked the path before.

Proximity is power. 

Get connected with the right kind of people (people you look up to, want to emulate, and admire), surround yourself with humans who will hold you accountable for your goals and lift you up.

Don’t have mentors in your life at the moment? Get a coach. Accountability creates accelerated growth.

Achieving the life of your dreams is a moving target. Greatness is not a fixed goal. It requires us to be agile, fluid, and relentless. 

And it requires us to adjust the recipe and try new things.

You’ll surpass one goal, and it will feel great for a moment, but then what happens? Stagnation sets in. 

Create exponential growth for your standards and the continual progress will ignite your spirit. 


Step Seven: Life Is a Gift: Celebrate, Appreciate, and Give Back

This is my favorite step on The Path.

Because it calls us back to what it’s really all about.

Life is a gift. And it’s meant to be shared.

Any goal, any greatness we achieve in life is really our opportunity to give back. To do something for others, to contribute to something larger than ourselves. To leave a mark on this world for the better.

It’s our greatest honor to utilize our skills and passions toward making the world a better place.

Take a look at these seven steps again. Know that they are not linear in that you will complete 1-7 and be done. This is something to come back to throughout your week, month, year, lifetime. 

I’m constantly reevaluating what it is I want in life, where I am, and how I can get to where I want to be...


It’s the path for the journey ahead, and life is absolutely a journey, my friend.


1. What Do You Really Want? Activate & Awaken Your Hunger

2. Find & Face the Truth: The Truth Will Set You Free

3. Resolve & Create a M.A.P. (Massive Action Plan)

4. Do What’s Hard: Slay Your Dragons

5. Develop a Daily Practice

6. Raise Your Standards and Measure More Often 

7. Life Is a Gift: Celebrate, Appreciate, and Give Back


Cheers to the walking The Path each day,


Tony Robbins